3 Twitter growth hack nobody is focusing on

twitter growth hack

If you are building your brand on Twitter, it is better to cover these three bases!

Building a strong brand on Twitter can be a game-changer for you and your business. We won’t be going over content creation in this article, as there are plenty of great resources for that. However, we will detail three Twitter “utility” growth hacks to truly stand out and reach your target audience:

  • account integrity and health,
  • choosing the right collaboration partners,
  • and assessing engagement data.

By addressing these three critical areas, you can significantly improve the effectiveness of your Twitter marketing strategy and build a powerful and engaging presence on the platform.


Do you know if your Twitter account is healthy and authentic?

An authentic community requires an authentic account, but how can you ensure that your Twitter account is healthy and free from fake followers? Without proper account integrity and health, building your brand on Twitter can be an uphill battle, because bots and fake followers damage your reach and spam your tweets. Take the time to review your account and ensure that it is free from fake followers and other suspicious activity.

It is obvious that you do not want to go through your follower list one by one it is time to audit your account. Auditing an account categorizes your followers based on many different characteristics. We suggest using TwitterAudit.com‘s audit and block feature so that you can identify and address any issues that may be holding you back. This is how a finished audit should look:

twitteraudit result

It is a clear indicator of your account’s health, and the cleaning process (if necessary) starts here.

Sometimes it’s not just about obvious fake or bot accounts – you also have to decide if you want to keep inactive accounts. The real time-saver here is the bulk block of your undesired “audience”. Without this option, cleaning could be a very time-consuming task.

bulk block option

Whether you want to solely get rid of your bots or shrink your passive audience, follower management is key to building an engaged community behind your brand.


How do you know if someone is the right fit to represent your brand on Twitter?

When it comes to choosing collaboration partners on Twitter, it’s easy to fall into the trap of simply looking at follower numbers and working with someone we don’t really know. We used to be less cautious with web services, therefore it’s important to validate the right partner for our branding. But with so many potential influencers to choose from, it can be challenging to identify the right fit.

We’ve already discussed the advantages of auditing Twitter accounts. The same is true for influencer accounts, as we can analyze the composition of their follower base. This tells us whether the influencer is legit and whether we are addressing the right audience by choosing them. This can also uncover potential fake or bot accounts, as we discussed in our article on How to Detect Twitter Bots.

Moreover, what if we could track our potential collab’s activity and account statistics? With TwitterAudit.com‘s analytics feature, we can do just that.

twitteraudit account tracking

Tracking follower/unfollower changes, Twitter usage, and demographic statistics is all possible with this feature. The statistics of an account’s follower base are a helpful indicator for understanding the quality of your potential audience.

follower statistics

You need a one-stop-shop tool to closely monitor the performance of a potential collab, or it could become a leap of faith without the desired return. Think of it as being a sales manager who monitors the performance of their affiliates and makes informed decisions about who should and shouldn’t work with your Twitter brand.


Are you effectively monitoring engagement data to measure the success of your Twitter campaigns?

Engagement data is crucial for measuring the success of your Twitter campaigns, and it’s essential to monitor it closely. With TwitterAudit.com, you can get detailed engagement analytics, including engagement rates, retweets, and likes. These engagement numbers are the “sales KPIs” of Twitter marketing, and monitoring them closely can help you steer your ship in the right direction.

Additionally, TwitterAudit.com offers a user-friendly interface that highlights the most important engagement numbers and allows you to filter them by date and keywords. Monitor your engagement data regularly, so you can make informed decisions about your Twitter marketing strategy and build a powerful and effective presence on the platform.

twitter growth hack with engagement panel
twitteraudit engagement panel

Thanks to the tracking feature we mentioned earlier, you can also analyze the tweet performances of other accounts. This can be useful for monitoring collabs and even keeping an eye on your competition. One of the things we really like about this feature is its simplicity. There are no miscellaneous characters highlighted, so you can objectively focus on the clear content under one simple view. This makes evaluation rapid and effective.

We would also suggest linking the tweets to the follower/unfollower tracking so you can better understand how your tweets impact your follower numbers.


+1 extra time-saving feature: Bulk Delete

Time is money, and managing your Twitter account can be a time-consuming task. Sometimes you may want a fresh start or to simply remodel your profile a bit. Mass-deleting tweets is a useful option if that’s the case. You can delete up to 3200 tweets back on your timeline, so if you were active in the past the process won’t be fun…

Once again, you’ll need a Twitter hack tool to make up for your lack of automation skills. Luckily, TwitterAudit.com delete tweet function can do the job for you with just a few clicks.

delete tweets in bulk

You can even target certain timeframes and delete tweets in bulk. With this feature, you don’t have to worry about spending too much time on this task and can focus on more important aspects of your Twitter strategy.


Closing Thoughts

In summary, building a strong brand on Twitter requires additional focus on three less obvious areas, like account integrity and health, choosing the right collaboration partners, and monitoring engagement data. By using TwitterAudit.com to audit your account, evaluate collaboration partners, and monitor engagement data, you can significantly improve the effectiveness of your Twitter marketing strategy and build a powerful and engaging presence on the platform. With its time-saving features and in-depth analytics, TwitterAudit.com is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to succeed on Twitter.