How to Track Your Followers and Un-followers on Twitter

Twitter, a microblogging and social networking service, has grown into one of the most popular platforms worldwide. The ability to connect with others, share ideas, and stay updated with the latest news has made it a preferred tool for individuals, businesses, and organizations. However, managing your Twitter following and followers can be a complex task. One particular area of interest is monitoring who follows and unfollows you, a critical aspect of understanding your online presence.

Why Track Followers and Un-followers?

At first glance, it might not seem necessary to know who follows or unfollows you on Twitter. However, tracking your followers and un-followers can provide valuable insights.

  1. Understanding Audience Interest: The rate of follower growth and the number of un-followers can give you a sense of how engaging your content is. If you notice a significant increase in un-follows after a particular post, it may signal that the content wasn’t well-received.
  2. Identifying Spam or Fake Accounts: Not all followers contribute positively to your Twitter experience. Some may be spam or fake accounts. Regularly monitoring your followers can help identify and report such accounts.
  3. Influencer or Business Insights: If you’re using Twitter for business or influencer purposes, knowing who follows and unfollows you can be crucial for understanding your audience demographics and crafting effective marketing strategies.

The Impact of Twitter API Changes

Recently, several popular tools used for tracking followers and un-followers have shut down due to Twitter API changes (the increase in enterprise price to a minimum of $42,000 a month). These tools relied on the API to fetch user data and provide analytics. The recent changes in Twitter’s API policy have limited data access, causing these tools to cease operation. As a result, users have been searching for alternatives. still works!

Fortunately, there are still options available for tracking your Twitter followers and un-followers. One such platform is is an effective tool that allows you to check both followers and un-followers. It offers a clear visual representation of your Twitter activity through graphs and also enables analysis at an individual user level.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Graph View: provides a graphical representation of your followers and un-followers, making it easy to see patterns or significant changes at a glance. This can be particularly helpful in understanding the impact of specific posts or events on your follower count.
  2. Individual User Level Analysis: Besides the graphical overview, also allows you to see who exactly has followed or unfollowed you. This feature is especially useful for businesses or influencers who need to monitor specific accounts.

To use, simply visit the website and authorize it to access your Twitter account. The tool will then analyze your followers and provide you with the information you need.

Other Tools

If you don’t like Twitteraudit, there are still several other tools that are working and can help you track followers. These include tools like Circleboom and


While the recent changes to Twitter’s API have posed challenges for many third-party tools, platforms like continue to provide valuable insights into your followers and un-followers. By leveraging these tools, you can gain a better understanding of your Twitter presence and adjust your strategy as needed.